Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What's next is what's important

I punched a democrat's name on the Presidential ballot for the first time in 20 years. I'm one of the 12 people who voted for Jimmy Carter in his first run against Reagan. I'm pretty sure this one will turn out differently. Barring any huge surprises, the first African American President will be elected today. I think that's a good thing. I don't think it will change the inter-racial landscape much, but I think it's a good thing.

I have to confess that I wasn't really all that happy about voting for Barrack. In an earlier note I indicated that the reason I was doing so had more to do with the VP candidates than the top name on the ticket, and that is still the case. I remain convinced that Sarah Palin is not qualified to be president. If McCain had picked Joe Lieberman I would have voted for him. He didn't, I didn't, that's it. What's next is what's important.

Most people think the presidential election is the most important thing occurring today. It's not. The senatorial election is much more important. If the democratic party gets to 60 seats in the senate they can overrule the filibuster. With their majority in the house under Pelosy and 60 seats in the senate there would remain no viable checks against the democratic parties will. That's the republican party's fault.

In the last election the republican party missed a golden opportunity to begin to reconcile the gaps over the nation's issues. Instead of reaching across the aisle to create bonds and work together they publicly gloated. The deep rift this created became the unifying force the democrats needed to field a unified vote. It was foolish and short sighted and I am embarrassed by the party's leadership. They should be embarrassed today.

What's next is what's important. Will Barrack and Nancy be able to do what they promised? Will they field a national healthcare plan? Will they repair the US economy? Will they bring home the troops? For all of us, I hope so. To be sure, we'll see an interesting test of an opposite economic ideal. Bill Clinton railed against trickle down economics, but left the engine in place that drove it. This administration will do no such thing. Who knows, maybe that's a good thing. Like I said, it'll be interesting.

What's next is what's important ...